icon  Projects

Over the many years the Rotary Club of Bromsgrove has been active we have been involved in many projects both in the UK and abroad as well as making donations to support Bromsgrove and its residents. Below is a selection of these projects, some of which are still supported annually by our club.

For more information on a project click on the project name.

The following projects have been completed within the last few years or are still ongoing projects.

Recent Club Projects
Table Tennis Tournament Local Ukrainian Refugees Aid for Ukraine
Bangladesh Latrines Primrose Hospice St Basils
Blackpool Holidays Men in Sheds Zimbabwe Orphanage
Bangladeshi School Benches for Thai School Remembrance Memorial

The following projects are regularly supported by the club.

Annual Club Projects
Scholarship BurnAid Kids Out
Polio Plus Interact Club Aqua Boxes
Shelter Boxes

The following projects are historical projects.

Historical Club Projects
Mablethorpe Childrens Holiday Benches for St John's School Group Study Exchange (GSE)
The Mission in Sanders Park Sensory Garden Kerala Village School
Dictionaries For Life Air Ambulance Alf Spears Scholarship
Artrix Garden Atlantic Bridge Books for Schools
Boys Town Cleethorpes Childrens Holiday Community Work
Copsa Mica Relief Work Dental Work in India Emergency Bikers
Emergency Boxes Hospital Equipment Operation Milk Flow
Seniors Day Out Shoe Boxes Sight Savers International
Spectacle Collection Support for V.S.O. Tools for Self Reliance
Water Aid Xmas Food Parcels Youth Exchange